Top 3 Nutrients Every Man Needs

Short version?

Tomatoes from the garden
+  Oysters for Happy Hour
+  Salmon grilled on the bbq
= One happy (healthy) man.tomato, fish oil, pumpkin seed


Maximize health and minimize the work? Sounds like a plan! While tips and tricks for exercise, nutrition and stress reduction are all over the web, let’s boil it down something you (or your male friend) can easily grab onto.


An anti-oxidant that gives fruits and vegetables a red colouring. Tomatoes are one great source that most of us Canadians have in our gardens.  Anti-oxidants reduce oxidative damage that naturally occurs in all our cells as we age.  To super charge your overall diet, men and women should increase the colour and brightness of their foods – choose fresh local fruits and veggies of all colours.

Although research on the positive effects of lycopene and prostate cancer are mixed, most studies agree that for men with a family history of prostate cancer, having lycopene in foods regularly will reduce the risk of developing this men’s cancer.


Practically a wonder drug, zinc does it alloyster-on-ice – supports hair growth, improves testosterone levels, boosts immune system health, supercharges sperm and refines taste buds.  An essential element at the cellular level, zinc-based receptors allow your cells to grab testosterone and transmit the hormone message, including producing more testosterone. This ‘manly’ hormone allows both men and women to more readily build and maintain muscle mass. Looking for easy to eat zinc sources? Raw pumpkin seeds, oysters, lean beef – enjoy!

Often used in fertility treatment, zinc is required for sperm production and semen formation.  You can easily have your functional zinc levels tested with your naturopathic doctor with a simple in-office test.


Omega-3 essential fatty acids… (aka fish oils)
The Standard North American Diet, firmly rooted in animal meats, processed foods and few fresh vegetables  (this is not a good thing), leads to a low omega-3 fatty acid level and a high omega-6 level.  Corn is the primary source of omega-6 fats and most of our animals that we eat for dinner have themselves been fed of corn products. Remember the adage ‘You are what you eat’, well that includes what your dinner ate.  Indeed over the last 40 years, omega-6 consumption has sky-rocketed 250% while omega-3 levels have fallen 40%. This imbalance is problematic to good cardiovascular health, cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

Where enjoying fish at least once per week in your diet along with nuts, seeds and avocados is a great basis for increasing omega-3s, most adult men need to look into a quality omega-3 supplement.  Supplementation with these healthful fats has been shown to reduce triglycerides and increase HDL-cholesterol (the good kind) therefore improving your cholesterol profile leading to a reduction in risk of cardiovascular incidents.

The frustrating thing is that not all supplements are made the same and this is especially true of fish oils. As a general rule consult with your naturopathic doctor to get the right dose for you and shop where professional brands are sold such as your NDs office or health food store. In Ottawa?  Ask your ND or visit reputable places such as NutriChem Pharmacy, Watson’s Pharmacy, Mother Hubbards or the Natural Food Pantry.
Want to really get more out of your body? Visit your naturopathic doctor to maximize your health, energy and stamina. Life is short, so take advantage now – and tomorrow!